The Northern Road Upgrade Stage 1 is 3.3km from The Old Northern Road, Narellan to Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park. The Northern Road will be one of the main marterial transport corridors in Sydney’s South West Priority Land Release Area. As residential and commercial development occurs, the amount of traffic in the area is expected to increase on The Northern Road. The Northern Road Upgrade will also support a western Sydney airport at Badgerys Creek.

In collaboration with our client Georgiou Group, EMS removed approximately 5,000 tonnes of ACM contaminated soil that was stockpiled along The Northern Road, Cobbitty. Due to its close proximity to The Northern Road, this was a sensitive site. A water cart was used for dust suppression, while air monitoring was conducted to ensure public safety and to monitor the presence of any possible asbestos fibres.

EMS engaged Douglas Partners Pty Ltd to conduct a surface validation of the footprint below the stockpiles to ensure no residual contaminated soil was left on the surface. This was safeguarded with an additional 50mm deep scrape of the stockpile footprint.

For further details on this project, please contact EMS on 02 9834 2998.


Cartage and Disposal of Asbestos contaminated Stockpiles


Georgiou Group Pty Ltd


The Northern Road, Cobbitty NSW